
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A major and a minor, and dairy allergies

Yes, my older daughter turned 18 on Saturday!  How time flies.  We celebrated her birthday at an Austrian restaurant, where I did not stick to my diet 100%, but I was mindful of what I was eating.  I ate Goulash as a main course, but requested a salad on the side instead of spaetzle (similar to gnocchi).  The sauce might have had some flour in it, but it wasn't much.  For dessert, I couldn't decide what to do, so I went for the Apfelstrudel.  Lots of fruit, some dough, but it's not cake.  I also ate 2 servings of whipped cream.  And one glass of red wine.  Result?  By the time I left the restaurant, I could feel my insides tingling, as if something was scratching me as it went down.  The wheat?  I popped some simethicone before I bloated too badly, and weighed in at 141.25lb on Sunday morning.  I should have been under 141lb on Sunday, but it was my choice to eat this.  It could have been worse, and I still seem to be shrinking!

So it is also a little bit of a test on whether whipped cream is as allergenic as milk for me.  A friend of mine who has a milk allergy can eat whipped cream with less problems than if she drinks plain milk.  I also did some investigating, and it turns out that the cows in the U.S. and Finland produce mostly A1 milk, which is more allergenic than A2 milk (France has mostly A2 cows).  For more information on A1-A2 dairy, please read this and this (which has some interesting charts).  So far, I don't seem to have the same digestive issues after having the whipped cream, but I'm going to give it a try again this weekend, while not eating anything that could remotely have cow dairy in it. If I have that same scratchy feeling I'll know it's the whipped cream.

Monday morning I weighed in at 142lb.  Boo!  I did have the Mesquite Wings from Costco, so I probably got an excessive dose of sodium.  This morning I was down to 141.5, feeling a little puffy.  I did walk at lunch and after work, so better news tomorrow.

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