
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Slow progress is still progress

I am still losing, but it seems to go so slowly!  Normally it would be discouraging, but really, when I look at what I've been doing, there's usually an explanation.  For the last 7 days, I've been bouncing between 140.5 and 141.75.  My average last Tuesday for the previous week was 141.43lb, and this week it's 140.89lb, so yes, I am still shrinking. 

Saturday I had some whipped cream to test my dairy allergy hypothesis.  I used some Ronnybrook cream, and I did add some sugar.  It doesn't seem to be bothering me as usual digestion-wise.  I have been dog-sitting an extra pet in the house, so I'll have to try my dairy test again when I don't have anything else that might be bothering me.  Also, I had a spinach knish on Sunday, which has of course potato.  It did cause a little bloating, which is coming down now.  Funny how I didn't ever notice this until I got serious about being low-carb.  I also made sure to drink more fluids than usual yesterday, to try to bring up my hydration levels.  I had a lot of bacon on Sunday morning, so the sodium also brought up my weight.  I also walked more last week, knowing that the weather was going to take a turn for the worse starting today.  It's snowing outside today, so except for going out to buy lotto tickets, I won't be going very far today.  Maybe I'll do some stairs inside.

I tried on my third pair of "the same size" wool trousers, and they were wearable, but snug.  The tighter pair that I've been able to wear felt practically roomy in comparison!  Also, the front of my pants is almost flat now, a teensy roll that probably only I can see is almost invisible now. So, although the scale just isn't moving as fast as I'd like, I am focusing on averages and clothing instead of new lows.  They will come soon!

P.S. I noticed I mentioned a scratchy feeling when I was at the Austrian restaurant last week, and was waiting to see if I had that same feeling after having whipped cream in my test.  I don't remember having that feeling at all on Saturday, so it might have been the wheat from the Apfelstrudel dough...  I will try to make a note of any odd immediate symptoms when I try this test again.

1 comment:

  1. I agree slow progress is still progress ..... may you progress more fast or slow it doesn't matter

    Take Care

    All the best Jan
