
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Pre-vacation and my trip to Paris

With all the crummy weather in NYC since my last post, I wasn't really able to enjoy my favorite exercise, walking.  I continued in "maintenance" mode through the second half of January and the first two weeks in February, even though I would have preferred to lose something, but at least I didn't gain!

On Valentine's Day we flew to Paris, and just got back last night.  One week ago I weighed 142.5lb, and this morning I weighed 143.25lb!  One reason for that is we walked A LOT!  My daughter's pedometer said we walked 25,000+ steps every day.  The first few days I was pretty sore, and self-medicated by having some wine at lunch and at dinner.  I kept the wheat and potato quotient down in the first few days, and made a pilgrimage to a gluten-free bakery on Monday or Tuesday, and wouldn't you know it, it was closed!  I was so disappointed.  After that, I just decided what the hell, I'll have some bread.  French baguettes are delicious!  But of course I overdid it.  Yesterday's breakfast was 1/3 of a baguette.  As the day progressed, I was feeling worse and worse, so lunch was just some apple.  I drank a Coke at the airport, but I eventually barfed on the plane (in the WC, I was neat, I don't think anybody knew).  I had to basically stick with small sips of water and some of a Bobo's Oat Bar on the plane so it wouldn't happen again.  I'm sure that helped keep my total gain down.

As I said, I kept the wheat and carb quotient low in the beginning.  I chose Tarte tatin, which is an apple dessert with a thin crust, and had Crème brûlée several times.  For breakfast on the first two days, instead of having the croissants etc they provided for breakfast, I had an apple, walnuts, and a Bobo's Oat Bar.   Tuesday morning I had an omelette, but Wednesday I had a croissant, and Thursday I had a third of a baguette.  Lunches and dinners tended towards steak.  I also had escargot 2x (lots of bread with that though), and oysters one day.  The first few days I had mostly vegetables with my meals, but later had frites a few times.  Several times instead of dessert w/dinner, we had gelato.  Every day I had 1-2 glasses of wine, and one night we had champagne too.  The last night I had 3-4 glasses of wine, and also had a 1/2 a pint of Murphy's Stout.  Maybe that added to my queasy stomach on the plane.

So, we had a wonderful time.  On our next trip, I'm going to continue to keep down the wheat and carb quotient.  Having my alternate breakfast really worked for me, I'm going to keep doing that.  Today it's back to the same old menu.  We'll see what my weight settles into next week.

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