
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trying to stay focused during an ankle injury

Well, I wish I could tell you that this will be the type of post where I stayed completely focused and lost weight, but sadly that is not the case.

I'm now up to 144-146lb, which is a 5lb gain from early February, prior to my trip.  Since my return from Paris, in March I started occasionally eating poorly, which I'm sure is partially responsible for a health issue coming back to bother me.  I was able to determine that there was no major illness going on, all scans were clear, which was a relief, but which was time-consuming and stressful.  Then on St. Patty's Day morning, I twisted my ankle on my way to one of my medical appointments, and of course I've been unable to walk properly since then.  I finally went to the doctor on Monday (a week later), and x-rays yesterday showed no bones broken, so it's just a bad sprain.  I have an ankle brace on order, and it should arrive on Friday.  I have already bought an ace bandage roll, two different ankle support socks, and two different ankle braces, tring to find one that would be supportive enough, but only the one I purchased 2 days ago is stiff enough.  This brace on order I hope will be a better fit than the one I am wearing now.

All this stress and lack of activity has resulted in several days when I had a "who cares, what's the point?" attitude, like yesterday when I had several servings of jelly beans.  However, it's time to get focused again, and not cave into cravings.  I have to go back to only 2-3 servings of alcohol a week, and no candy/sweets.   As I can't burn off enough calories, I have to cut back so that I don't add any more weight.  Once I am able to be fully mobile again, I'm sure I'll be able to bring my weight down rather quickly, now that the weather is getting better, but I can't keep letting the situation get worse.  I am still only 10lb from my goal!  Keeping daily records and blogging regularly, even if no one is reading, helps me stay on track, so back to regular, maybe even daily posting.  I can do it! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your back. Sorry about your ankle but it can only get better with time. Keep up the posts.
