
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My absence -- nothing serious, just lazy

I'm still in the 140's, but I haven't been very good about my diet.  My birthday was Nov. 29th, and with my cousin visiting for most of the week, I ended up having what felt like a never-ending birthday feast.  I am having trouble fitting into my new size 4 winter pants (which feel like size 2!).  I had bought one pair of size 4 pants that I tried on in the store, and then ordered the same size and model in different colors.  So why are all the other ones smaller?  Was the pair I bought at the store mis-sized?  So annoying!  However, they would fit me if I was at my goal weight of 135, so time to get serious so I don't have to wear the same pair of pants day after day (ew!)  And my new bras (30F) are getting tight, another reason to drop a few lb right away.

I weighed 147 yesterday morning, so it's good I had a PP day yesterday. Some of that was from the baked ziti I had Friday, but this morning I was down to 145.  Better, but not good. Today is a PV day, and more of the same until Thursday-Sunday, when I'll be doing dinner, bday dinner for my mom, Christmas eve feast, Christmas day feast.  If I can drop a few lb before Thursday, I'll feel better about the upcoming wickedness.  I will try to make good choices though.  Bought all my Tim Ferriss supplements, so I'll be doing the PAGG routine this week.  Hopefully I'll be inspired enough to do a P90X routine today too, I really need to get back on the plan!  We're going to Barcelona in February, so I need to be a smaller size before I stuff myself.  Remember, it's after we returned from Rome last year that I started Dukan.  I was 158 then!


  1. Just wondering if the pants were from Old Navy? If yes, I have the same issues with them -- inconsistent sizing across different colors but the same style. :P

  2. No, I buy most of my pants from Banana Republic. Same parent company though!
