
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Monday, February 4, 2013

Symptoms of thyroid issues?

I am going to my PCP on Thursday to get my thyroid levels checked.  One symptom of thyroid issues is bloating.  I've also had the tingly fingers a few months back, the fuzzy thinking, inability to lose weight, rapid weight gain (a few months ago), general lethargy, light sensitivity, loss of balance, and hands & feet getting cold.  I kept dealing with one symptom at a time, and thought some might be menopause, but when I found a long list of thyroid symptoms, there they all were!  I had started to take kelp for iodine and was drinking lemon balm tea, and was sleeping better, but stopped taking them Saturday.  Now the symptoms are mostly back.  I'm going to suffer through them until Thursday's blood test, just so we can see what the values really are. 


  1. Thinking of you Veera. Hoping you get it sorted out soon, I've been suffering in similar ways and it certainly is no fun......
    Chris Kesser did a great article on the Thyroid gut connection which showed how leaky gut (often caused by gluten sensitivity) can affect thyroid hormone production. Not sure if you have looked into Leaky Gut Syndrome, but it could be related. Tingling sensations (neuropathy) can also be ralated to a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Hope your PCP is more helpful than doctors in the UK.
    Wishing you all the best as always, Sonia xoxo

    1. Thanks for the website info! I don't think I'm b12 deficient with all the beef & pork I eat, but who knows? I and my two girls have multiple symptoms of hyper/hypothyroid, so it seems to me that's more likely. I followed Kresser's link to the autoimmune thyroid diet. I'd hate to lose goat yogurt, so that may be the last to go! I'll keep readers posted on the thyroid developments.
