
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Christmas loss!

I stuck with my diet most of the time at  my various feasts.  I also came down with a cold, so I was really not that hungry, and didn't overeat as a result.  My mother graciously made me a gluten-free/dairy-free carrot casserole using brown rice bread crumbs and goat butter. It was nice to be able to eat the same foods others were (ham).  I skipped the mashed potatoes.  After our Christmas Eve dinner I also had maple sugar candy.  Friday I went to an Indian restaurant and had some rice, but I was able to prevent much bloating by taking an anti-gas OTC medication.  Why suffer for no reason?  Still, I'm not going to make a habit of eating carbs just because I can pop a pill, it's just not worth it.

I decided to have some red wine on Sunday the 22nd, which was a mistake.  I woke up at 4AM the next morning, and it's becoming ever-clearer that red wine and I don't mix anymore.  It's definitely a beverage that I just have difficulty regulating.  In fact, at a gathering I went to yesterday, I brought one of my beers, but then decided to have some red wine since I hadn't brought a second beer.  I had more wine than I should have, but ironically, since it was an afternoon party, by the time I was going to sleep, the wine no longer was disrupting my sleep patterns.  Still, I'm moving further and further away from drinking wine, and definitely not in the evening.

Christmas morning I got my real gift, I weighed in at 142lb!  Since then I've hovered in the 141.75-142.5 range.  Finally, I broke through that 143 plateau!

My NSV was that a second pair of those pants are now wearable.  The remaining two pairs must have more rigid fabric, they are definitely not going to fit until I'm down under 140.

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