
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dukan Diet -- Cruise Week 15 Sunday

Day 103 (June 12, 2011)
Weight: 140.25, gained .5lb

I was still bloated this morning.  I had a hard time sleeping, I was wheezing pretty badly.  I finally took a walk in the afternoon, got out of the house away from the pets, and that gave my lungs a break, plus it was some cardio in addition to my P90X workout later.  The bloating is finally going down, and of course it helps that it's a PP day.  I hope the scale is in the 130s tomorrow morning.

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Scrambled eggs
.75 e.w. protein powder
Chicken breast w/yogurt curry sauce
.75 e.w. protein powder

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