
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dukan Diet -- Cruise Phase Week 1

Cruise Week 1 total weight lost: 4lb

Day 1 (Wed Mar 2, 2011)
Weight 154, lost 2lb

Day 2 (Thurs Mar 3, 2011)
Weight 153, lost 1lb

Day 3 (Fri Mar 4, 2011)
Weight 152.5 lost .5lb

Day 4 (Sat Mar 5, 2011)
Weight 152, lost .5lb.

Today's food:

Colonix fiber (instead of Oat Bran for now)
1 travel mug of tea w/Stevia sweetener
2 eggs scrambled
8-10 almonds during 1.5 hr walk in AM
chicken breast (roasted) with some of the skin
Chicken Parm - oven-baked skinless chicken breast (w/ a little oil), spaghetti sauce & manchego cheese (sheep's milk).  Yummy!
3/4 scoop of egg white protein powder

Day 5 (Sun Mar 6, 2011)
Weight 151.5, lost .5lb.

I hope most of this weight loss isn't due to dehydration.  I am trying to keep up with my liquids to make sure this isn't the issue.

Today's food:

2 medium-boiled eggs
a lot of my favorite weekend tea (Nectar tea, from Mcnulty's Tea Shop)
Chicken Parm - oven-baked skinless chicken breast (w/ a little oil), spaghetti sauce & manchego cheese (sheep's milk).
Sweet Potato (microwaved)
almonds before my exercise routine (10)
3/4 scoop of egg white protein powder
almonds after my exercise routine (10)
I know there was something else, but I can't remember what it is!

Day 6 (Mon Mar 7, 2011)
Weight 150.5, lost 1lb.

Scrambled eggs (2)
Chicken Parm - oven-baked skinless 1/2 chicken breast (w/ a little oil), spaghetti sauce & manchego cheese (sheep's milk).
Steamed carrots
Roasted chicken 1/2 thigh
More roasted chicken for dinner, 1 breast
Spinach (frozen mixed in with Seabrook Spinach) -- I was eating at my mom's
Manchego cheese

Still have dry skin and am dehydrated -- drank 4 wine glasses of water at dinner.

Day 7 (Tues Mar 8, 2011)
Weight 150, lost .5lb.

Lost for the week: 4 lb

Scrambled eggs (2)
Roasted chicken
Roasted green beans
Sheep's milk cheese
Grilled chicken w/arugula & tomatoes at a restaurant

OK, the green beans had oil, and the arugula had some dressing, so it's not perfect, but still only protein and vegetables.  No wine, no bread basket.  We'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!


  1. Great blog! It will be interesting to see how you progress with Dukan + P90X. We are both around the same weight, and I'm exercising quite a bit as well. I have the P90X at home - but have never tried - perhaps I may!!! Do you find that you have enough energy while on a low carb eating plan? I noticed that you eat a few things that aren't typically 'dukan', is that to supplement your exercise?

    Anyhow! Great work so far! Can't wait to see your progress!


  2. Thanks Heather! I know I am eating a few things that aren't exactly Dukan, but I feel like I need a little bit of carbs right before a workout, so that's why I've been having the almonds or sweeter veggies right before/after the workout. I did the P90X diet when I did P90X the first time, but I wanted something even stricter, because I had been so slack recently. The P90X diet itself is very high protein, low carb in the first month: 5 servings of protein, 2 dairy, 2 veggies, 1 fruit, 1 carb, 1 condiment, plus a snack, an exercise bar, and a drink.

    As for energy and P90X, I've been fine. I love the program, highly recommend it!
