
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dukan Diet -- Cruise Week 3

Day 15 (Mar 16)
Weight 149.5 lb lost .5

Finally! I'll have to keep it up.  I enjoyed feeling thin today, especially wearing my size 8 pants which were roomy.  Back to more fitted clothes tomorrow.

Today's food:

Colonix fiber
Scrambled eggs
Steak with the paprika/goat yogurt sauce
Salad w/cukes, mushrooms, 1 tbsp oil, mustard
Almonds pre-workout
3/4 scoop egg white protein powder
Chicken parm (baked breast, pasta sauce, sheep's milk cheese)

I think the cheese was salty, hopefully I won't retain too much water tomorrow.

Day 16 (Mar 17) St. Patrick's Day
Weight 149.5 lb no change

Today's a PP day.  I was supposed to do the X Stretch routine, not strenuous, but it was Parent Teacher conferences, and I got home late.

Today's food:

Colonix fiber
Scrambled eggs
Chicken breast w/skin
Yogurt, goat's milk (Coach)
Cheese, sheep's milk
Chicken breast strips, goat's milk yogurt curry sauce (4.5g per serving)

I was shocked to read the fat level in the yogurt I had today (16g), much higher than the other two (4.5g) I've been eating.  Won't be eating that brand anymore.  I also found a lemonade powder using stevia as a sweetener, so I was able to guzzle some more beverages again.

Day 17 (Mar 18)
Weight 148.5 lb lost 1lb!

Finally, some movement!  Of course, some of this is air too, but the fat pad on top of my abs is getting smaller.  I'm so happy!

BTW, did you know the abbreviation lb is short for the latin word libra?  And our measuring unit pound is from latin too, pondus.

Today's food:

Colonix powder, 1 scoop
Scrambled eggs
Salad w/grilled chicken, cukes, mushrooms, mustard & olive oil
Hamburger (no bun), w/ketchup (OK, forbidden, but it had only 6g sugar (not HFCS) per serving
Squash, pureed w/nutmeg
Egg white protein powder

Day 18 (Mar 19)
Weight 149 lb Gained .5 1lb

Colonix powder
Boiled eggs
Goat's milk yogurt
Hamburger like yesterday
Coke Zero (I know, bad.  I was in Target and having all sorts of cravings, so I figured this was the lesser of several evils)
Some sort of vegetables, I can't remember what.

Day 19 (Mar 20)
Weight 149 lb no change

Today's food (what I can remember)

Colonix powder
Scrambled eggs
Goat's milk yogurt
Almonds (pre-workout)
Orange soda (stevia-sweetened)
Meat & tomato sauce
I'm sure I had some other food, I can't remember though

Day 20 (Mar 21)  
Weight 149 lb no change

Very dehydrated today, so I'm guzzling liquids today. We'll see if there's any actual weight loss, I'm hopeful though.

Today's food:

Colonix powder
Scrambled eggs
Flank steak w/bell peppers
Spaghetti squash
Cheese, Cacio di Roma (sheep's milk)
Steamed broccoli & carrots (pre workout)
Broiled salmon w/olive oil and cajun spice (no-salt)
Egg white protein powder
Beets (post-workout)

Day 21 (Mar 22)  
Weight 148lb lost 1lb

Not as dehydrated today, so I'm going to take this as a real loss.  I feel smaller, and the tape measure shows shrinkage, so I'll take it!

Today's food:

Colonix powder
Scrambled eggs
Meat & tomato sauce
Almonds & beets (pre-workout)

I don't think I've had enough food today.  I'll have to eat a hearty dinner.

For dinner I had 3 slices of beef with BBQ sauce -- yes, forbidden, but it was the good kind, no HFCS, plus I'm counting it as my post-workout carbs.

1 comment:

  1. The weight is really moving! Congrats!
    The food menu looks fantastic! I'm going grocery shopping this weekend, so will look to buy some Goat's dairy!
