
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 18 Friday

Day 129
Weight: 137.25lb (62.39kg, 9.80st)
Loss: .25lb
Total lost: 10.25lb (4.66kg, 0.73st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 20.75lb (9.43kg, 1.48st)
Lost this past week:  1.50lb (1.7kg)!
Average weight this past week: 138.00lb
Average weight the week before: 140.71lb

Water intake: 110 & 45 lemonade ( 155 oz = 4.58l) & 1 mug of herbal tea

Lalalalala! Still going down! It's a PV day today. However, I have major pain in my left foot centered around my big and second toes.  It's really interfering with my walking.  Could it be gout?  Gout can supposedly flare up when the body is excessively acidic.  My levels of acid are probably way up, as I have been doing 3PP a week for the last 3 weeks.  I hate cutting my great progress short, so I found a home remedy online that I will try out this evening. I will also eat alkaline veggies this weekend. I'm feeling puffy this evening, sodium?  The scale won't be kind!

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Tomato meat sauce (lamb)
Goat yogurt
Sheep cheese (1oz)
Goat yogurt
Tomato meat sauce
Goat yogurt


  1. Veera,

    If you suspect you have gout, watch out for the lamb. My husband gets gout flare ups, and when it happens, the area around the toe becomes an angry red and swollen.

    Drinking more H2O should flush out the uric acid, other than that, reduce the purines in your diet.


    Some diet and lifestyle changes may help prevent gouty attacks:

    Avoid alcohol

    Reduce how many purine-rich foods you eat, especially anchovies, sardines, oils, herring, organ meat (liver, kidney, and sweetbreads), legumes (dried beans and peas), gravies, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, consommé, and baking or brewer's yeast.

    Limit how much meat you eat at each meal.

    Avoid fatty foods such as salad dressings, ice cream, and fried foods.

    Eat enough carbohydrates.

    If you are losing weight, lose it slowly.

    Quick weight loss may cause uric acid kidney stones to form.


    Apart from the last sentence, which I don't think is applicable to you, hope this helps.

  2. The toe is getting better. It's still bothering me, but the swelling has gone down. I had asparagus the day before it got bad, I think, and I did up my consecutive PP days. There's a home remedy that involves baking soda, I'm going to try that later today. It does have sodium, so I'm going to have as little sodium today as possible to avoid an unpleasant moment on the scale tomorrow.
