
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dukan Diet and Tim Ferriss' Slow Carb Diet

For those of you who are interested in where the 30g protein within 30min of waking up comes from, it's from Tim Ferriss' "The 4-Hour Body", which I bought earlier in the week.  He also has a protein/vegetable style diet called "The Slow-Carb Diet", but it includes a cheat day every week, and I'm not ready to do that.  I figured the 30g within 30 was easy to incorporate into Dukan.  I will follow Ferriss' methods to lessen the damage from bingeing, as I'm doing the Easter thing.

After reading Ferriss' book (the diet sections), I still feel Dukan will be better/easier for me to follow than Ferriss'. I like the Consolidation phase, but I'm probably going to be low/no gluten and low/no sugar thanks to Ferriss and Gary Taubes' NYT article, and Lustig's 90-min video, "Sugar -- The Bitter Truth".


  1. I've read a few articles on the 4-Hour Body - and was somewhat curious. Is it worth checking out at the library? I may do so.

  2. I really recommend it. It's not just about the diet, there are sections about gaining muscle, another section on improving your sex life, i.e. gives a primer for guys on how to please a woman, including anatomy lessons! Very informative, the guy turned himself into a guinea pig.
