
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dukan Diet -- Cruise Week 8 Sunday & Easter "binge"

Day 54 (April 24, 2011)
Weight: 143.75lb, gained .75

Well, it wasn't much of a binge.  Here's what I had/did, utilizing Tim Ferriss' 4-Hour Body (4HB) tips:

1.25 scoop e.w. protein powder
Garlic extract pill -- "inhibits fat regain" (4HB)
Colonix -- insoluble fiber
Grapefruit juice (1 cup?) has a "glucose-lowering effect", so it seems to inhibit fat gain, but also prevents fat loss, so not good when you're trying to lose... (4HB)
Tea -- caffeine promotes a quick trip through the digestive tract (4HB)

THE BINGE -11:45-12:15
I walked to the subway, so that was more than 90 seconds of pre-binge exercise at 11:30 (4HB)
about 50 jelly beans -- I had 3 different kinds, so I had to try 2-3 of each color of each bag
1 starburst -- selected because it had fat, which evidently helps decrease sugar overload (4HB)
1/2 snack bag of almonds
Maybe 5 corn chips, 2 scoops into guacamole
90 minutes after I ate the jellybeans, I did 90 seconds of squats and wall pushups at 1:15(4HB)
So basically I had maybe 500 calories of jellybeans...

Lunch at 2PM was roast beef, salad, green beans, and 1 small meringue. That's it!  Dinner so far is chicken breast w/salsa.  I did not have a sugar crash, so far so good. I'll have some more veggies, and some yogurt, and some cheese.  We'll see what the scale shows tomorrow!

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