
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 19 Tuesday

Day 133
Weight: 136.50lb (61.92kg, 9.75st)
Loss: 1lb
Total lost: 11.00lb (5.00kg, 0.79st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 21.50lb (9.75kg, 1.54st)
Milestones:  Lost 1.5 stone since March 2011, below 62kg

Water intake: 94oz & 15oz lemonade & (109oz = 3.22l) & 0 mugs of herbal tea

Dance of joy!!!!! I am still finding it hard to believe I'm at this weight because I just never thought I could get this low again.  I had no idea all this fat was inside me!  True, I'm also losing some from the outside, but my abdomen is getting flatter and flatter (and the ab routines are helping too!)  I don't get a muffin-top in my 4s anymore, they are just the right size.  I tried on some size 2 BR pants that I got on super sale months ago, just in case.  I'm not sure they're doable.  They're a little small, and I'm not sure I'll shrink that much more, but what do I know?  Obviously I've been wrong before.

I'm doing a PP day today until dinner w/Mom, when I will have a forbidden rye round w/butter, and some veggies.  I am so happy with my progress, I'm going to take the bounce in the scale tomorrow.  I am feeling great right now, but I am not falling off the bandwagon very far, back to PP tomorrow.  I ran out of my fiber, so I may have to have some oat bran to tide me over until the shipment arrives Thursday or Friday.

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Roast pork loin
Goat yogurt
Grilled salmon
Roasted butternut squash (w/olive oil)
Rye round w/goat butter


  1. Congratulations on your continuing losses! You are doing so well!

    Enjoy that rye ;) Back on it 100% tomorrow!

  2. Yay ! You're on fire, keep it up.

    1. Thank you for the support! BTW, my foot is feeling much better. Last night I had a twinge (pork at lunch), but after having broccoli (alkaline) at dinner, I'm fine today.

  3. Thank you, that means a lot coming from you! I really think the thing that has made such a difference recently has been the ice water that I drink at work. I probably drink five 16oz cups of ice water throughout the day, and it must be boosting my metabolism. I can't recommend it highly enough for any of you Dukaneers on a plateau!

  4. Woot!!

    Dropping down is always a good feeling :) Congratulations :D
