
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 19 Wednesday

Day 134
Weight: 137.00lb (62.14kg, 9.79st)
Gain: .5lb
Total lost: 10.50lb (4.76kg, 0.75st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 21.00lb (9.53kg, 1.50st)

Water intake: 110 oz & 45 oz lemonade & (155oz = 4.58l) & 1 mugs of herbal tea

OK, not bad.   I'll take the 1/2 pound gain.  A PP day.  I walked 30min after work, and then another 30min walk near home.  I've been feeling fantastic, hoping for good news on the scale tomorrow!

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Goat yogurt
Roast pork loin
Almonds (3 handfuls, too many!)
Goat yogurt
Steak (2)


  1. Is this today's meal plan, or yesterday's Veera? I didn't eat any nuts on Cruise at all, do you eat them as snacks or because you like them?

    Glad the foot is doing better.

  2. It's Wednesday's, i.e. yesterday. I only post after dinner or the next morning. I was eating almonds before as an added protein option, since I don't eat cow dairy, but I stopped because I think it was adding too many calories and causing my excruciatingly long plateau. I started eating them again last weekend because almonds are alkaline, to de-acidify myself. I think it helped, but yesterday's portions were a little bit of stress eating. I'm cutting them out again to maximize my losses for last few pounds.

  3. Yup, I tend to agree with your observation that the almonds were possibly causing the plateau. Doh, you wrote on the top it was for Wed.

    I was just trying to assess correlation between the nuts and the gain. I don't know about you, but my body was super sensitive when I was trying to lose weight, and if I even so much as looked at anything non-Dukan, no joke, it'd be reflected on the scale next morning !

    Good to see you making steady progress. Keep it up ! Can't wait till you get to Conso.

  4. I'm beginning to realize that any cheating is a mistake for me too. The sweet potato I had last night, I shouldn't have had it, plus I had 4 sips of red wine yesterday at a wine tasting, I wonder if that added to the increase I saw this morning (not posted yet).
