
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 21 Monday

Day 146
Weight: 135.50lb (61.46kg, 9.68st)
Loss: 1.50lb
Total lost: 12.00lb (5.44kg, 0.86st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 22.50lb (10.21kg, 1.61st)
Milestone: Lost more than 10kg since 3/2011

Water intake: 102oz & 45 oz lemonade ( 147oz = 4.35l) &  mug of herbal tea

Dance of joy!  It's a PP day today.  This is a 1/2lb from what my original goal was, but as I said before, I'm going to 133, then evaluating pound by pound towards 130 whether to stop.  I entered various start/goal weights in the Dukan websites, to see what would come out as the lowest possible for my stats, and it was 130lb, so I won't be going for the 120's.

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Roast pork loin
Goat yogurt
Hamburgers (2) bunless w/bbq sauce GF/SF


  1. You are so close!!! I am so excited for you :)

    I am cheering you on in the background !

  2. Thank you! I may have taken longer to get to my goal, but now that I've been fully committed, I'm almost there!
