
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Friday, May 4, 2012

How long should my Consolidation be?

I started Dukan the first time in March 2011, weighing in at 158lb (71.8kg).  I got near my goal/TW, but never quite reached it, had some half-baked consolidation where I wasn't particularly faithful, and was able to stay within 140-143 from August through November, then put on some pounds in late 2011. 

I started Dukan 2.0 the last week in December 2011, weighing in at 147.5lb.  If I decide to go to consolidation at 133lb (60.5kg), these are my choices:

Following 158lb (71.8kg) start weight:

Loss = 25lb x 5 days per = 125 days
(or = 11.37kg x 10 days per = 114 days)

Following 147.5lb (67kg) start weight:

Loss = 14.5lb x 5 days per = 72 days
(or = 6.6kg x 10 days per = 66 days)

The original Dukan was 10 days per kg lost, I am tempted to follow that number just because it's a little shorter!  Anyway, where do you think I should start counting? 158lb or 147.5lb?


  1. If I were you, since you had a break between Dukan 1.0 and 2.0, I'd consider this particular instance as the one for which I am consolidating the losses, and I'd start from 147.5

    72 days of conso ain't nothin' to sneeze at :-)

  2. That's the way I was leaning. Of course, in the middle of my consolidation, I'll be going on a 3-week vacation, but this time around I'm going to really try to actually follow the rules of consolidation (with some tweaking), so that I don't have pastries daily, etc., so in total, I'll have to extend it a bit when I get back. Extending a 66 day consolidation is different than extending one that lasts 114 days
