
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 26 Sunday

Day 181
Weight: 138.75lb (63.07kg, 9.91st)
Gain: 2.75lb
Total lost: 8.75lb (3.98kg, 0.63st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 19.25lb (8.75kg, 1.38st)

Water intake: 45 oz & 75 oz lemonade  ( 130oz = 3.85l)

Last time I weighed this much was in April.  Ouch!  OK, this is a recovery day, clean up my act and flush the salt away.  I am going on vacation in a week, so whatever improvements on the scale I can do, I'll try.  I am supposed to have a dinner with a friend this week, but I'll try to keep it Dukan friendly.  Not much I can do about the salt though.  Little/no alcohol this week.  Drink my flushing tea to clean out the pipes.

1.25 e.w protein powder
Steak w/salsa
Goat yogurt
Coke - 12oz can (instead of inhaling cookies/cake/candy or harming my bickering children!)
Goat yogurt
Gin & diet tonic (oops)
Hamburger patty
Grilled yellow pepper

1 comment:

  1. Ah you're doing ok! Good luck on your holiday! I find if I let myself have one thing, im screwed for the whole holiday as then i cant stop! enjoy!! But then again, how often do we get to go on holiday? ;)
