
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 24 Saturday

Day 165
Weight: 137.00lb (62.14kg, 9.79st)
Gain: 1lb
Total lost: 10.50lb (4.76kg, 0.75st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 21.00lb (9.53kg, 1.50st)

Water intake: 30 oz & 75oz lemonade & 12oz can of Fresca ( 117oz = 3.46l)

This is what having a celebration meal is going to be like, so I guess I have to get used to it.  I'm hoping to pull a better number tomorrow morning.  I've been doing a lot of running around, and getting home really late this past week.  I can't wait to lay around and loaf tomorrow!

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Hamburger patty (1/2)
Spinach w/mayo (one spoonful total)
Turnips (raw, 2)
Goat yogurt
More goat yogurt
Manchego sheep cheese
Pork chops w/mustard (2)
Goat yogurt


  1. Sometimes I read what you eat, and you say it's alot, and my mind is blown you have enough energy to get through your day! I... must eat too much!!

  2. Well, I did have a chunk of cheese and 2 pork chops to make up for the small lunch!
