
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dukan Diet Restart -- Cruise Week 26 Friday

Day 185
Weight: 137.25lb (62.39kg, 9.80st)
No change
Total lost: 10.25lb (4.66kg, 0.73st)
Total lost since 3/2011: 20.75lb (9.43kg, 1.48st)

Average weight this past week: 137.39lb
Average weight the week before: 136.32lb

Water intake: 125oz & 45 oz lemonade ( 170oz = 5.16l)

I'm leaving for my trip tomorrow.  I'm doing better packing-wise than last year.  I'm not going to drag any snacks/food in my suitcases, only my protein powder.  It's just heavy, and there's plenty of fantastic food in Finland, why carry stuff?  I am taking two packages of Glow gluten-free cookies, so when I want to have a gluten-free/dairy free day, I'll have something to have at coffee/tea time. 

1.25 e.w protein powder
Steamed zucchini
Goat yogurt
Goat yogurt
Scrambled eggs