
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dukan Diet -- Cruise Week 14 Saturday

Day 95 (June 4, 2011)
Weight: 140.75lb, lost .25lb

Doing a PP day, as my elder DD is doing a 1-day attack phase, and 6 days of PV.  If she gets good results, she may do it longer. She has maybe 10lb to lose.  I can't sell her on longer, this is the best I could get! She's a pescetarian (eats fish only, no poultry or meat).  It's eggs, dairy & fish for her.

Well, it's a few hours before bed, and she's having a tough time with the cravings.  After a lot of drama, she opened a can of tuna, and she's making a tuna salad w/mayo.  Ok, the mayo isn't so good, but at least it's not bread or potatoes.

1.25 e.w. protein powder
Chicken w/yogurt curry sauce

1 comment:

  1. Look at the weight falling off you woman! It will be interesting to see if your DD likes the way of life....
