
LilySlim Weight charts

LilySlim Weight charts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Progress in 100 days of Cruise Phase

Here's the latest measurements for Day 1/30/50/100:
Chest (across the boobs wearing a thin sleep/sports bra): 39-37-36.75-35.75
Underbust: 32-31-30.5-30
Waist (where my natural waist is, which is above my navel): 31-29.5-28.5-28
Hips (around my hip bones): 41-38.5-38-37

Lost inches: 30 days = 7 inches/50 days = 9.25 inches/100 days  =  12.25
Total weight lost: 18.75 lb, 8.52 kg, 1.34 stone.  Lost bodyweight: 11.87%.

I am continuing to do two PP a week.  In March and April I did PP 4x each (1x a week).  In May, I did PP 6x, I had one mini-attack phase of 2, and then I did one week with 2 PP.  So far in June I've done 3 PP, and the scale is moving down faster.  Annoying that I could have been done by now if only I'd done 2 PP a week. 

Bra size:  I am now wearing my 30DD bra that I bought, as my 32DDD/E bras are too big.  I can still wear them on the tightest hook, but the cups are a little big now. 

I tried on my test jeans which on Day 50 I was able to slip on, but couldn't button past the first button.  The other day I was able to button them, and no muffin top!   OK, they're not stretch, so I need to lose another few lbs before they're "comfortable", but I can see progress all the time.

I have a pair of size 2 Target Fit 4 capris that are waiting in the wings.  They fit, but they'll be perfect in another lb or two.  All my other capris fit or are too big.  I bought Size 4 ON capris 2 weeks ago, and shrank them in the wash, but they're almost baggy now!  I had to go to ON yesterday and buy the 2s.  I also got a variety of shorts in 2 and 4.  One pair fits now, others will soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all your hard work -- those stats are amazing! Seeing everything broken down like that (by Day 1, 30, 50, 100) really highlights the progress you've made. I'm inspired to keep going... :)
